We are a 4th level of complexity healthcare provider institution (IPS) with specialized services in Clinical Oncology. Authorized by the Antioquia Health Section on the first visit in June 2023 for meeting 100% of the requirements at our hospital headquarters and demonstrating technological, financial, operational and human talent solvency.
We provide services to adult patients with solid and hematological malignancies, through chemotherapy treatments, radiotherapy, diagnostic images, surgery, hospitalization and clinical research with the best technology available in the region and supported by timely diagnosis. All this through the application of high quality standards, guaranteeing comprehensive care, respecting the life, decisions and dignity of the person and their family.
To be recognized by the year 2025 as the most innovative and scientific institution in the management of adult patients with solid and hematological malignancies. As well as being a reference for all of Latin America framed within the concepts of comprehensiveness, accessibility, opportunity, security, relevance, continuity, satisfaction and generation of knowledge through Clinical Research.
Our history
Grupo Oncológico Internacional S.A., was incorporated as a Public Limited Company by means of Public Deed No. 1296, granted at the 17th notary of Medellín, on June 07, 2002, amended by the following deeds: No. 2361 of August 24, 2004 of the Notary 20 of Medellín and No. 3374 of November 17, 2004 of Notary 20 of Medellín, the establishment of Commerce was called CLÍNICA DE ONCOLOGÍA ASTORGA.
The Astorga Oncology Clinic is a Health Service Provider Institution (IPS) of III complexity level, aimed at providing specialized services in Clinical Oncology, Oncological Hematology, Radiotherapy, Oncological Rehabilitation, Pain and Palliative Care and Research. In addition to chemotherapy services, pharmaceutical service and laboratory sample collection.
Our values
Ethics in patient management: who will receive everything necessary for the management of his disease.
Honesty: performing upright, upright and truthful acts.
industriousness:being diligent and punctual in the application of treatments.
Solidarity:offering communion of interests with responsibility for participation on a large scale.
Recognition of the person and human dignity: respecting life regardless of cultural, religious or economic level.
Satisfaction: improving confidence in the bond of the health professional with the patient and his family.
Moral:ensuring that the unit of life of the health professional is integrated with the common good and natural law. Passionate about being able to do bioethics.
Social impact:maturing a responsibility with the community, achieving a fair service to those most in need.
Justice with the user:respecting the right and duty to be informed, heard and to participate in decision-making.
Happiness: It is an attention to the user based on words, gestures or acts with which joy is expressed.
Our premises
Professionalism in an ideal service with humanism, love and quality.
Chance in easy access to the service of the specialized professional.
integrality in the accompaniment and palliative care for the benefit of the quality of life of the patient and their families.
Relevance in the information, treatment, motivation and education of patients and relatives.
Puntuality in management, based on the best scientific evidence available.
Diligence in services and second opinions for complex cases.
Prudence in giving criteria, encouraging, defending and strengthening the duties of the patient and their relatives.
Agreements and allies
Policies and prepaid medicines
South American Life Insurance
Allianz Life Insurance
Coomeva Prepaid Medicine
MedPlus Prepaid Medicine
particular attention
Special regime
new EPS
EPS Sanitas
eps sura
La Clínica de Oncología Astorga comprometida con altos estándares de calidad, está certificada con la norma ISO 9001 desde el año 2005 y a través del tiempo ha mantenido su certificación y adecuado su sistema de gestión de la calidad a las diferentes versiones de la norma y exigencias de calidad. Adicionalmente, nuestra Central de Mezclas está certificada por el INVIMA en Buenas Prácticas de Elaboración Farmacéutica para la adecuación y ajuste de concentración y mezclas de medicamentos oncológicos desde el 2012. Nuestro compromiso con el trato digno y humano a nuestros pacientes y nuestras acciones encaminadas a brindar la mejor atención posible a los usuarios y su familia, nos hicieron merecedores de un reconocimiento por parte del Concejo de Medellín por la excelencia en la prestación de servicios de Oncología, Hematología, Radioterapia y Dolor y Cuidado Paliativo mediante Resolución 2015 – 072 del mes de octubre de 2015.
rating badge
ISO 9001 of 2015 (produced by theInternational Organization for Standardization (International Standardization Organization or ISO) that determines the requirements for aQuality management system)
fire certificate
Recognition from the Mayor's Office for excellence in the provision of services
Waste or healthcare concept
Distinction from INVIMA in Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practices (BPE)
At the Astorga Oncology Clinic we are interested in clinical research to be at the forefront of medical innovations and thus be able to provide increasingly specialized treatments.
Are you interested or do you know someone who wants to be part of our studies?Deepen the information here.