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Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions, Congratulations and Request for Information

Mr User:

To request information, process a request or claim related to a patient's care, please fill in all the fields of the form with your identification number and that of the patient. Once we receive the information, we will contact you via email or by phone to give you an answer to your case.


Data processing authorization:

The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the level of satisfaction with the services received at the Astorga Oncology Clinic.


In accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, regulated by Decree 1377 of 2013 in relation to the handling of personal data, I authorize the handling of my personal information registered in this questionnaire so that it is treated only for the purpose indicated above.

To learn about our Data Protection Policy, click on

If you agree and wish to continue, please check the following option, otherwise you can refrain from answering the survey.

Complaint or claim:when the Clinic does not comply with a requirement or a promise of sale.

Suggestion: is the insinuation or formulation of ideas for improvement.

Congratulation: It is the recognition that the user and/or client makes to the work of the employee or the Clinic.

Information request: It is the doubt or concern that the user raises related to any topic which must be given clarity from the related area.

Select your PQRS 

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