What types of study do we do?
We started our Investigation Unit by conducting severalphase IV clinical studies¹, sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.
We have experience in the design and development ofobservational studies². Since 2019 we have been collecting data to feed aInstitutional Cancer Registry³, with the aim of obtaining information on the 10 most frequent tumors consulted in the clinic. The registry is fed with data about the characteristics of the tumor at the time of diagnosis, the type of therapy received, and survival statistics are calculated, under local standards, in our city, at our institution. This will allow us to know the evolution of the disease in our population, to compare our metrics with the results published in the national and international literature. From the results of the analysis of these data, strategies can be implemented that facilitate daily clinical practice in favor of the patient. Likewise, other concerns may arise that allow the development of new studies, to contribute to the generation of knowledge and scientific progress.
1. Phase IV clinical studies
Follow-up studies of a drug after its approval for commercial usecommercialization by the regulatory agency (INVIMA). They focus on long-term safety evaluations (side effects).
2. Observational studies
These are studies in which patients receive their usual care, without any type of additional intervention. In other words, they do not receive experimental treatment. Research staff at the institution analyze clinical information about the disease and the treatments that patients receive. This, in order to answer research questions that help improve patient care and their quality of life.
3. laughInstitutional cancer registry
These are studies where patient health data is collected at an institutional level (a clinic or hospital).al) or population (a city, department or country), in order to obtain demographic, clinical and therapeutic information on a defined group of people. Based on the analysis of the data, the characteristics of the population group receiving medical care are known, patient care programs can be evaluated or implemented, the need for personnel and resources to meet the demand for services can be estimated, it facilitates the generation of research questions for the design of new clinical studies, focused on improving the care and quality of life of the population.