Duties and rights of the patient
Seek care for your health and that of your community (article 49 of the Political Constitution).
Attend timely and puntually to appointments at the agreed times. In case of non-attendance, promptly inform the reason why you will not attend.
Provide truthful, clear and complete information about your state of health and inform medical personnel about changes that occur in your state of health.
Take care of and make rational use of the resources, facilities and endowment, as well as the services of the Clinic.
Treat the human staff who care for you with dignity and respect the privacy of other patients.
Respect the property of others. As well as the political and religious beliefs of the other patients and the staff who care for you.
Keep commonly used items in their place.
Freely choose the doctor and health professionals in general, as well as the health institutions that provide the required care within the available resources of the country.
Enjoy full and clear communication with the doctor, appropriate to your psychological and cultural conditions, which allow you to obtain all the necessary information regarding the disease you suffer from, as well as the procedures and treatments that are going to be practiced and the prognosis and risk that said treatment entails.
Receive dignified treatment respecting your beliefs and customs, as well as the personal opinions you have about the disease you suffer from.
Right to have all clinical history reports treated confidentially and secretly and that they can only be known with your authorization.
To be given referral and counter-referral care that is required, according to your needs (Decree 2759 of 1991, resolution 5261, articles 2 and 7).
Monitor and control compliance in the provision of health services by the IPS (Decree 1757 of 1994).
Take care of and keep the Clinic facilities in order, as well as the elements arranged in it for your care and benefit.
Follow the treatments and instructions provided by the health personnel for your physical and psychological well-being (take the medications in recommended doses and times with the suggested diet) and abide by the preventive provisions (hygienic habits, among others) to minimize risk factors.
Pay at the Treasury when appropriate in accordance with the mandatory contributions and payments that may apply.
Leave a signed record in the clinical history of the refusal to receive the treatment indicated by the medical or health team, in the same way, sign the consent of the procedures that are required for it.
The right to be provided, throughout the disease process, with the best care available, while respecting your wishes as a patient in the case of irreversible disease.
Review and receive explanations about the costs for the services obtained, both by health professionals and by health institutions. As well as the right that, in cases of emergency, the services you receive are not conditional on the advance payment of fees.
Receive or refuse spiritual or moral support regardless of the religious cult you profess.
The right to have your will to participate or not in research carried out by scientifically qualified personnel respected, as long as you have learned about the objectives, methods, possible benefits, foreseeable risks and discomforts that the research process may imply.
Right to respect the will to accept or refuse the donation of your organs so that they can be transplanted to other patients.
The right to die with dignity and to have your wish to allow the death process to follow its natural course, in the terminal phase of the disease, be respected.