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Learn what Oncologic Orthopedics is

Have you ever heard about this medical subspecialty? In this article we tell you what Oncologic Orthopedics is and how it can help in the treatment of cancer to improve the quality of life of patients.

Oncologic Orthopedics is a subspecialty of Orthopedics and Traumatology. It is understood as the study, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of tumors of the Musculoskeletal system, covering benign and malignant tumor conditions that affect soft tissues and bones.

These tumors can cause a great commitment in the life of patients, if they are not diagnosed quickly and adequately. In fact, an error in the evaluation or treatment by a doctor or institution not expert in cancer can lead to a limb being amputated unnecessarily; therefore, it is recommended that these injuries be handled by specialized groups with oncological training in order to avoid complications.

Nowadays, most malignant tumors can be treated with limb-salvage surgical procedures, with possible prior or subsequent chemo and/or radiotherapy (as the case may be), which means adequate treatment of the tumor without the need for amputations in many cases.

Until three decades ago, all malignant tumors were managed with amputations. Fortunately, science is advancing and in highly complex centers such as the Astorga Oncology Clinic, where we have all the oncology specialists and an excellent interdisciplinary group, this is often no longer necessary.

Almost all benign tumors require less aggressive treatment, even in certain cases, only a follow-up with images will be sufficient for periodic assessments and to give our patients peace of mind. There are also other lesions that can be confused with tumors; however, they are of metabolic origin and only require specialized medical treatment.

For this reason, we advise that whenever you need advice and assessment for suspected bone or soft tissue cancer, you should look for a specialized and highly complex oncological institution such as ours, where you will receive both academic and human support and accompaniment.

At the Astorga Oncology Clinic, we have a team of specialized doctors who can help you through the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of your disease. Our interdisciplinary, personalized approach with a high human sense allows us to provide comprehensive care focused on the needs of each case.

The well-being of patients is our priority. Don't wait any longer and schedule your appointment with us for a complete evaluation and quality care.

Always with you.

Source: Juan David Valencia Herrera

Physician and surgeon, Ces University Medellín - Colombia 2001

Orthopedist and traumatologist UPB Medellin - Colombia 2008

Orthopedic Oncologist Orthopedic Institute Rizzoli Bologna - Italy 2010

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